- 03/29/2024 The board unanimously approved reimbursement of $126.21 to Boyd Clayton for a new gate emergency lock.
- 03/28/2024 The board unanimously approved payment of $3300 to Russell Kuck for snow grooming service in March 2024.
- 03/21/2024 The board unanimously approved payment of $933.10 to Dave Hill for March 2024 water testing and water system operations.
- 02/28/2024 The board unanimously approved posting minutes of the 02/22/2024 board meeting.
- 02/27/2024 The board unanimously approved posting of the revised 2024 proposed budget.
- 02/09/2024 The board unanimously approved reimbursement of $10 for incoporation renewal to Boyd Clayton.
- 02/09/2024 The board unanimously approved payment of $2400 to Russell Kuck for road grooming.
- 02/05/2024 The board unanimously approved payment of $1180.85 to Dave Hill for water testing.
- 01/06/2024 The board unanimously approved payment of $929.73 to Dave Hill for water testing.
- 12/11/2023 The board unanimously approved payment of $8083.36 to Dave Hill for water testing, and reimbursement for water system supplies.
- 11/11/2023 The board unanimously approved payment of $2010 to J-C Testing for work on the Causey Water System.
- 11/11/2023 The board unanimously approved depositing up to $65,000 in a 6 month CD.
- 11/09/2023 The board unanimously approved waiving late fees on dues which through postal or other error have not been received if paid immediately.
- 11/08/2023 The board unanimously approved payment of $1672.23 to Dave Hill for water testing and water system operations.
- 10/23/2023 The board unanimously approved payment of $12,500 to InKilter Productions for culvert replacement.
- 10/23/2023 The board unanimously approved payment of $1260 to Russell Kuck for providing Causeynet service used for monitoring water and security at Causey.
- 10/17/2023 The board unanimously approved reimbursement of $200 to Boyd Clayton for purchase of silt fencing and gate parts.
- 09/21/2023 The board unanimously approved reimbursement of $11,389.95 to Boyd Clayton for purchase of 60 feet of 84 inch CMP culvert.
- 09/18/2023 The board unanimously approved reimbursement of $92.20 to Boyd Clayton for materials used on workday.
- 09/18/2023 The board unanimously approved reimbursement of $201.59 to Brian Hennefer for workday potluck dinner supplies.
- 09/07/2023 The board unanimously approved reimbursement of $437.90 to Boyd Clayton for fenceposts purchased for Causey workday.
- 09/01/2023 The board unanimously approved payment of $9017.78 to J-C Testing for work on the Causey Water System.
- 08/31/2023 The board unanimously approved payment of $8115.94 to Dave Hill for water testing, water system operations and reimbursement for water system parts.
- 08/14/2023 The board unanimously approved payment of $1965.30 to Dave Hill for water testing and water system operations.
- 08/12/2023 The board unanimously approved reimbursement of $100 to Boyd Clayton for filing of a stream alteration permit in connection with the planned culvert replacement.
- 07/31/2023 The board unanimously approved payment of $3677.50 to ConRock for grading Causey Roads.
- 07/03/2023 The board unanimously approved payment of $1762.88 to Dave Hill for water testing and water system operation.
- 06/16/2023 The board unanimously approved reimbursement of $288.59 to Boyd Clayton for purchase of supplies for the spring workday.
- 06/01/2023 The board unanimously approved payment for April and May water system testing and operations to Dave Hill in the amount of $3162.50
- 05/19/2023 The board unanimously approved payment for gravel delivered at Causey to Russell Kuck in the amount of $418.
- 05/04/2023 The board unanimously agreed to remove the tracked vehicle only sign and notify owners tracked vehicles were no longer required.
- 03/27/2023 The board unanimously approved payment of $4200 to Russell Kuck for snow grooming between February 15 and March 26.